Recent Sermons

September 29, 2024: Joshua 10 - 12: The Battle Belongs to the Lord

September 22, 2024: Joshua 9: A Costly Mistake

September 15, 2024: Joshua 8: How Do You Handle Success

September 8, 2024: Psalm 107: The Steadfast Love of God

September 1, 2024: Kevin Simkins: John 15:1-8 - Being a Fruit Bearer (no audio for 2:20)

August 25, 2024: Joshua 7: Sin/Judgment/Repentance

August 18, 2024: Joshua 6: God's Power / Deliverance

August 11, 2024: Joshua 5: A New Start

August 4, 2024: Joshua 4: Questions & Answers

July 28, 2024: Joshua 3: The Living God is Among Us


Previous Messages

Messages prior to April 2020 are generally in audio (mp3) format.  After March 2020 most messages are video (YouTube).

If you would like to listen to a specific message or a specific date not listed, please contact us as we would be happy to arrange that for you.


Old Testament

New Testament

*Scripture references may not be completely addressed in the message.